How to play from the bunker!

Playing from the sand is typically difficult for poor players and a relatively easy shot for very good players.  This has more to do with knowledge and not skill in many cases.  Green side bunkers shots should be one of the easiest shots in golf.  This is the only shot where you don’t make direct impact with the ball.  You will make impact with the sand anywhere from right behind the ball to 2-3″ behind the ball. Phil explains bunker shots


Before we get started a few notes about bunkers shots;

  • “You need to pick the club up on the back swing to make a steeper angle of attack,”False.  The reason why it looks like players on tour do this is because the camera is positioned on the target line to the pin and the player swings on their body line left of the target. So this creates an optical illusion, don’t try to lift the club up more for bunkers shots.
  • “To hit the ball higher out of a bunker keep your weight on your right foot,” mostly False.  In theory if your a very good player you can hit the ball high out of a bunker keeping more weight on your right foot.  In most cases this will cause most players to blade the ball.  This technique can cause the club to hit behind the ball then skip into the back of the ball creating a rocket shot out of the bunker, don’t try this unless you are highly skilled.
  • “Don’t use your legs in the bunker,” False, mostly.  You want to be able to control your up and down motion in bunkers so you do limit your lower body motion.  The thought is to keep your knees and hips at the same level throughout the swing.  This will help you hit the correct distance behind the ball with the same angle of attack and bounce.
  • “You have to use a sand wedge in the bunker,” False.  The biggest difference in a sand wedge and other irons in your bag is the sand wedge has more loft and more bounce than your typical irons in the neutral position.  You can use any iron in the bag from the sand but you will need to open the face more to hit a splash shot from the bunker.
  • “You have to use an iron from the bunker,” False.  In fairway bunkers with the ball in a good lie it is easier to use a lofted fairway medal.  With the sole of the club being larger and flatter this helps keep the club from digging into the sand too deeply.  Just open the face slightly and try to favor a cut shot.

There are three basic green side bunker shots;

High – Spin – Little to no roll – High bounce on wedge

This shot is made by striking the sand close behind the ball.  The club strikes the sand taking a shallow divot of sand while the club enters within about an inch of the ball.  The ball will come out high, soft and depending upon the green, may spin back.

Medium – Little spin – Release –  Medium bounce on wedge

This shot is made by striking the sand and inch to three inches behind the ball.  The ball will come out at medium height, land softly and roll a moderate distance.

Low – Very little spin- Low bounce

This shot is made by striking two or more inches behind the ball.  The ball will come out low, carry a short distance then roll a long distance.

There are two primary factors in each bunker shot described above, where the club enters the sand and how much bounce is on the club at impact.   Where the club strikes the sand is very important and through practice should become fairly easy.   A good way to practice this is in a bunker requires no golf ball.


Go to a large practice bunker, take a rake and draw a shallow line in the sand about 15 in length.  The line should be at about a 90 degree angle from your target line at the pin.  Then start on the right side making swings taking out about 1-2″ of sand in depth, about a dollar bill long striking the sand on the line.  Do this and you will improve.


As shown below bounce is the difference in the leading edge of the club verse the back edge of the club.  A good way to visualize this is to imagine the the bottom of the  club is like a airplane wing.  When the bottom of the club, wing hits the sand it will either make the club climb or descend.  How you set the bounce on your club will dictate your chances of success in the bunker and short shots around the green.

Golf Book photos 9-26-02 384

Eidolon Vsole Illustration

Important bounce notes;
  • The more you open the club the more bounce you add
  • The more you close the club the more your decrease the bounce, dig sole…
  • The thicker and softer the sand the more you open the club
  • The firmer the sand the less you open the club face, less bounce
  • If the ball is buried in the sound close the club face
  • On a tight lie around the green don’t add bounce or play ball forward
  • Around the greens if the ball is sitting high in the rough, add bounce

Another way to think about bounce is the think about the bottom of the club making impact with a pond.  If the club is open it will skip of the lake where if it where closed it would dig and dive into the pond.  The most important part of setting up for a successful bunker shot is reading the lie of the ball.  The better you read the green and set the proper bounce the better your odds are for a good shot.


So you have figures out how to hit the right distance behind the ball and how to set the bounce.  How do we aim?  This is a little strange if you are fairly new to golf because the ball will not go where the face of the club is pointing.

bunker aimingSo here is the process,  read the lie, estimate what shot you should hit and set the bounce of the club correctly.  You set the bounce of the club by how far you pointed the face of the club to the right of the target.  You now need to set your feet-body line pointed approximately the same amount to the left of the target.  You will then swing the club the same direction that your body is pointing and the ball will magically split the difference.



So practice hitting the correct spot in the sand with the right amount of spin.  Understand what is the best choice of shot you have based upon the lie of the ball then aim properly.  Remember have fun!


Jim Hartnett, PGA


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