Golf - Page 2

Why did the ball go that way?

Playing in a charity tournament recently I was reminded how often players hit a shot offline and have no idea why it went “that way.”  I hear my weight was back, didn’t finish, chicken wing along with many other reasons for a misdirected shot.  Swing errors do cause the ball to fly offline but most players could use a better process of understanding why the ball went the direction it traveled before going through a


Better posture, better golf

Many of the important fundamentals in golf are considered boring to work on.  It is much more fun to work on creating speed with the driver than to work on your posture in the setup position and during the swing.  Unfortunately, most poor golfers have poor “boring” fundamentals.  If your alignment, grip and posture are bad you most likely do not hit the ball consistently or very far. Posture may be boring but starting athletic
