tim mitchel

How to hit the ball farther, part II

Last week we discussed the kinematic sequence of the golf swing.  The kinematic sequence needs to be in order to transfer speed to the golf ball.  This means that your hips, then upper body and finally the arms must work in a sequential sequence to maximize your speed. This week is about ground force dynamics and identifying which type of player or what mix of player you can perform most efficiently.   For years there


Motion sensing for golf

Motion sensing for golf…… Motion sensing for golf is changing the way golf is taught.  Technology like BodyTrak, K-vest and other technologies have helped golf instructors understand swing mechanics on a different level.  The next phase of golf instruction and player performance measurement seems to be tied with 3D mapping.  The technology is good and getting better and easier to use. Companies like GEARS, MySwing professional and more have really done a great job of
