October 2015

5 body position essential to a good golf swing

5 body positions essential to a good golf swing There are 5 body positions essential to a good golf swing.  Starting from the set up position to the finish position each position is important to understand and practice.  I would estimate that less then 15% of golfers move through these steps properly.  Typically when you give a student a golf ball and a club these positions seem to be impossible to achieve.  Take away the


6 things every bad putter does!

6 things every bad putter does consist of habits that can be changed pretty easily.  These are habits that were picked up through bad advice or just bad habits.  Lets start with the positive 3 things every great player does. Good Putting  Every great putter has learned how to read greens, estimate the  break and speed, then pick the appropriate aim line.  This may sound simple but very few players accomplish this.  One of the


5 most irritating golf habits of people you play with!

The 5 most irritating habits of golfers 5 most irritating golf habits just begins to describe why golfers get so irritated when people in their group do these things.  I think we are often surprised when we play with someone for the first time and realize the have no etiquette or understanding of good golf manners.   If you are one of those annoying golfers your friends may or may not tell you.  They will however


Five reasons why some golfers struggle!

There are more than five reasons why some golfers struggle but lets start with these basics.  The nice thing about these habits is they can be changed fairly quickly.  Horrible short game No swing fundamental basics Poor coordination Golf course management Poor mental game   A Horrible short game is the key to horrible scoring.  This is a typical problem with a players that struggle to score.  Many bad players don’t understand how important the
