5 body positions essential to a good golf swing
There are 5 body positions essential to a good golf swing. Starting from the set up position to the finish position each position is important to understand and practice. I would estimate that less then 15% of golfers move through these steps properly. Typically when you give a student a golf ball and a club these positions seem to be impossible to achieve. Take away the clubs and all of a sudden proper body motion doesn’t seem to be so difficult. Practice each position in front of a mirror slowly. Once you can get into each position then start move from start to finish position increasing your speed slowly. After you can accomplish this slowly then start to increase your speed until you reach your maximum speed that you can move in balance, coordinate and athletically. It’s a good idea while looking into the mirror to say each step out load. Set up, shoulder back, hip forward then finish. These are essential body positions in an athletic, efficient golf swing.
The hardest step during the swing for most players keeping the shoulders quiet at the start of the downswing. What appears like shoulder motion starting the downswing is actually a reaction to the forward hip moving towards the target then rotating. The hips moving forward increases the spine angle away from the target and the hips starting to rotate drag the shoulders with them. Yes, you definite “slide” your hips toward the target first in the downswing.
The bad sliding of hips is in the back swing, the hips should not move laterally in the back swing. Some good players have a little, but very little lateral motion in the hips in the back swing for different compensating reasons. So lets go through each of these steps slowly in front of a mirror until you can perfect them.

Practice these moves until you can do them fast, efficient and in balance. I have had students make this into a cardio training session going fine minute sessions practicing this drill in front of a mirror. Needless to say the students golf game improved immensely. Try this at home and see how much it helps you next time you hit balls.
Jim Hartnett, PGA
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