Find your game

I spent Monday and Tuesday of this week at the Southern California golf summitt hosted by Virginia country club.  This education seminar featured some of the best instructors and players in the game.  From the Little pro, Eddie Marons, Sean Foley, John Cook, Amy Alcott along with a host of others there was a wealth of knowledge.  If you were there to learn that there is one secret to the game or what Hogan’s secret was you would have been disappointed.  What you would have learned is that there are basic principles that the best players share for the most part.  Great players have these following characteristics;

Great mental game

Great short game

A golf swing that repeats

Know how to travel well

Competitive at almost everything

Practice a ton

A golf swing that holds up under pressure

Get the club to the ball in the full swing with speed, path matching face consistently and their body matches their arm motion among other loose fundamentals

One of the biggest take aways from the event was that most of us humans have imbalanced bodies and mobility problems.  If you sit at a chair for hours a day you most likely like everyone else have some body issues.  Some of these body issues keep you from swinging the club efficiently.  Working on your swing without getting your body aligned and understanding how your body functions is often a waste of time.

If your trying to get better you should probably start by being assesed to see what your body can and cannot do.  The good news is once you understand what your body can’t do you can typical do some exersizes to fix your difficiencies.

So give your body a chance to swing the club by being assesed.  You can contact to find out more!


Jim Hartnett, PGA

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