2020 What to work on…..

Did you do a self-assessment and decided what you needed to work on from 2019 going into 2020? It is important to identify what your strengths and weakness are and make a plan. Rate yourself from 1-10 in the following categories.

  1. Driver
  2. 3 wood and utility woods
  3. mid to long irons
  4. Short irons
  5. Wedges
  6. Chipping
  7. Pitching
  8. Bunker play
  9. Putting
  10. Mental game
  11. Physical condition for golf
  12. Understanding of your golf swing
  13. Work on the proper fundamentals
  14. Control of emotions during compitition

I did the assessment and came out with 99 points. I need to work on all aspects of my game especially my physical condition, iron play and putting. What is your score

You can also improve on some somewhat newer ideas about the golf swing;

  1. Almost all players get more speed from rotation than lateral motion.
  2. Vertical extension in the downswing increases lever speed and rotation.
  3. There is very little upper arm rotation in the backswing.
  4. Better putters have less wrist motion in their strokes.

There are many other items but chose these for brevity. Make a self -assessment then a plan for 2020. We can all get better next year!

Jim Hartnett, PGA

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