Find a swing model to copy!

When we watch the great players swings we often want to copy their swings.  This also is common place with tour players.  Many tour player have a lot of time on their hands and watch YouTube just like the rest of us and try to gain insight.  I believe it was James Hahn who watched a You Tube video and incorporated into his swing the week he won.   There are good swings to watch and bad swing to watch if you are looking for someone to copy.

Most good players have a swing model of a player they keep in their heads.  Although my swing never looked like Fred Couples I like to think of his swing to remind me of good tempo.  It is a good idea to find a swing model for you game.   Watch these guys and see if you can pick anything up?

A great player who is third on the all time money list is one of the best ball strikers that has a swing you do not want to copy. Peter Kostic talks about his swing, don’t be fooled this is not a swing that you want to copy.

Fred Couples has a great swing but also one that may not be easy to copy.  Cupped left wrist, late hip turn then pow, great lower body motion to start the down swing.

Joe Durant is not the best known player on tour but may be one of the best ball strikers ever.  Notice how this right eye players head moves.  If you are right eye dominant you may want to try to copy his swing

Adam Scott has one of the best swings ever.  He is flexible, strong and his swing is almost a carbon copy of Tiger’s swing in 2002


Ben Hogan, just watch and enjoy!

After watching a few of these you might find something to work or find clarification of what your golf swing should look like!


Jim Hartnett, PGA


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