Chipping tips from Hartnett, Utley and Furyk

Chipping should be easier than the full swing but for most it is not.  Chipping is a small golf swing creating a shot that spends more time on the ground than in the air.  This shot is normally used within 30-40 or closer to the green or target.  The idea is to use less moving parts and limit the power potential to control distance.  Here are a few basics listed below then scroll down and enjoy the videos from Stan Utley and Jim Furyk.

  1. Start with feet with one foot of each other with a majority of your weight on your lead or left foot
  2. Set up with your hand forward and the butt end of the shaft pointed at or near your lead or left hip socket
  3. Grip the club firmly
  4. In motion try to limit right arm bend and wrist motion
  5. This is mostly a shoulder and chest motion, turn chest to right then to target
  6. Never move weight to trail or back foot
  7. Keep sternum closer to target than belly button during entire swing
  8. Use a small back swing and accelerate through impact




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