Foot work and balance

You often hear about foot work and balance when watching golf on TV.  Tour players have for the most part learned to use their weight and pressure very effectively.  There are three basic power sources from the body, not including the arms in the golf swing.  They are lateral, vertical and rotational.  Many years ago lateral was considered a good source and vertical was almost considered bad.  If you watch the newer young guys on TV you can see how much that has changed with the modern swing using mostly rotational and vertical forces.

This is not an advertisement for boditrak but they are the only ones I know that have a pressure mat that is portable.  There is also swing catalyst which is great but not mobile.

For most of us that may not sound important but there is a lesson in there.  Most amateurs have poor balance, limited power and too much lateral motion.  Watch the videos below for more detailed information but the basic points are this:

1.  Most players have too much weight on the lead, left foot at impact.

2.  The weight towards the toes limits hip rotation and works to help limit lateral motion

3.  The weight towards the heels helps with hip rotation and thus works better for rotational and vertical forces.

4.  Great balance with the irons has the center of pressure stay towards the center of the feet during the entire swing.

5.  Long hitter use a more power Z force and have more back up in their driver swing.


Please watch the links below for more detailed information.

Jim Hartnett PGA


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