Reverse spine angle is all to typical in most golfers. Many players just try to take too long of a back swing, sometimes is can be due to eye dominance. Watch Mike’s video and then read how to get rid of the dreaded reverse spine angle. Eliminating the Reverse Spine Angle Eliminating the Reverse Spine Angle The next swing fault in this series it the Reverse Spine angle, defined as excessive upper body
MoreSway and Slide Let’s address the 2 most common faults in the lower body that can cause a plethora of miss hits. Those are the sway and the slide, and they can often cause one of the other to happen in the swing. Stability in the lower body is imperative to make a consistent & powerful swing every time. The sway in the back swing is defined as any excessive lower body lateral movement
MoreThe Relationship Between A Swing Coach and A Golf Fitness Coach When I first started working with golfers I had an “okay” knowledge of the golf swing, at least I knew what a bad one looked like. I certainly didn’t have the lingo down, like on plane, extension, and sway and slide. What I did know was the toll a repetitive golf swing took on the body of a person that sat at a desk
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I, Mike Hansen am often asked what I do for a living and when I tell them Golf Fitness the next question is “oh what is that”? So, here it is in a nutshell. I could probably write a 500 page book about it, but here I’m going to do it in as few words as possible and in terms hopefully most will understand. Our belief is there is no right way to swing the