Once you have established your eye dominance as right eye you then need to learn how to swing with the right eye preference motion. When first learning how to swing primarily using your right eye for vision this can be difficult. It is only difficult because you have learned to swing like a left eye player and now must unlearn. There are two easy ways to practice using your right eye swing. Sunglasses – Take
MorePractice your eye dominance
In my recent book, golf for the other 80% I covered the different type of swings for cross dominant and same sided golfers. As discussed in the book golf is typically taught for players that are cross dominant even though it is estimated that over 80% of the population is not cross dominant. Right handed, right eye players should have a smaller shoulder turn and a different motion to start the downswing. One of the
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The mental game
Golf is not just about the golf swing but also how you manage your mind and the golf course. Included in my new book which is focused on eye dominance in part on is a section in part 2 I am very proud of. The mental side of golf is often what holds players back from their scoring potential. You can hit the ball great and score poorly and you can also hit the ball