Chipping, set up for success! Many, or most players chip well below their abilities. For most poor chippers it is a lack of understanding of the shot requirements and also the setup position. We have all read the basic and I will list them again. Seve B, maybe the best short game player ever…….. Read the lie, the lie will dictate what shots are available to play at low to high risk. Keep a majority
MoreFor most of my life, I assumed the shoulder automatically worked together as a unit. It doesn’t take too much studying of the human anatomy to understand this is a bad assumption. Most players, right-handed, try to turn their left shoulder away from the target on the backswing. As stated before, this does not indicate that the right shoulder rotates away from the target line. Each shoulder has a complex system of muscles and tendons
MoreOver the past several months my ball striking became poor causing too many bogies. I worked on a lot of things that didn’t help and out of frustration I called my friend Tim Mitchel at Pelican Hill and asked for help. It is amazing how many bad habits we can slip into. He noted I was too far away from the ball, weight on my toes at set up and impact and more importantly my
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Time to assess and set goals
For many in the US, the golf season is close to concluding if it has not already. Hopefully, you have had a successful season and improved. The nice thing about golf is there are always ways to improve. We can improve our driving, irons, short game, putting, bunkers, mental game and more. The first thing to do is an assessment of where you are so you know what to work on. Driving distance is important,
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Learn to miss better………..
It is often said that golf is a game of misses, much like life. Rarely in life or in golf does everything go the way we planned. Golf can be frustrating if you expect to hit every shot perfect and make every putt. There are a few things that most good players do to help manage their games when things are not going their way; Learn to curve it one direction You don’t have to
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8 keys to shooting in the 80’s or better
According to the NGF only about 26% of golfers score in the 80’s and very few ever shoot in the 70’s. Golf is a difficult game but most players should be able to score in the 80’s if they understand their game and manage it properly. Here are some keys to scoring in the 80’s Get the ball in play off the tee – It is really important to hit the ball long with a
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Scoring, scoring, scoring…….
I often play with golfers that are very good at golf and pretty poor at scoring. They are focused on their swing, long drives and don’t normally consider risk reward. It seems they assume they will hit each shot great every time they line up to the ball. I know I rarely hit a shot great and normally plan on where my miss will end up. It is important that your mental process is sound
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Christmas golf gift for you!
This years golf gift to yourself could be improving your game with not much effort. Most of us do not want to practice all the time to improve and there are some ways to improve without having to practice like a tour player. Pick one or all of he items below to improve this year. Understand why the golf ball goes the way it does. An overly simplified way to understand why the ball travels
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Occam’s razor for golf
When things go bad in golf and in life we have a tendency to let our imaginations go wild and come up with elaborate ideas why things arent going our way. In golf when the ball doesn’t go where we think it should go we tend to think of solutions that don’t normally help. You must remember that what you are feeling rarely is what you are doing. This is true for golfers of all
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Practice for the course, not the range
We always hear people talking about how good they hit it on the range then they go on the course and perform poorly. Why is that? Does the average golfer think they are going think, feel and act the same way under the pressure of competition as they do on the practice range with a bucket of balls in front of them. This is a bit silly don’t you think? When you are on the